Congratulations on receiving a travel award to attend this course!
Great to see Samah winning the Big Data Challenge at the VADA Summer School and attending the CIHR-IA Summer Program in Aging, Deanne presenting at the Pharmacogenomics Global Research Network Meeting, Deanne and Avital presenting at the Manitoba Neuroscience Network Meeting, Deanne and Feryal presenting at the Canadian Society for Pharmacology and Therapeutics Meeting, and Feryal presenting at Prairie Cancer Research Consortium Conference!
We are so proud of Samah and Feryal for winning the MSc and undergrad categories!
Congrats to Alexandria for receiving an NSERC USRA and CHRIM Summer Studentship and Prats for receiving the Stem Cell Network and CHRIM Summer Studentships.
They did an awesome job presenting on how polygenic risk scores can be used to predict cisplatin-induced hearing difficulties!
Together with co-PI, Galen Wright, we will be using these funds to explore neglected regions of the genome and their link to age-related hearing loss.
So proud of these two for presenting our work at the international congress of human genetics. Big congratulations to Samah who received presentation awards at the both the young researchers’ forum and the main conference!
but were happy to see that not even Winnipeg winters can keep a South African away from their braai!